being able to bring the boys outside after work to splash, run, slide, stroll, throw sticks in the creek ..and capturing it all on the camera.
Joey is in heaven..he can finally walk around outside and explore...unfortunately he loves to run TOWARDS the road and the largest mud piles he can find.
Happiness is NOT: picking up the boys yesterday to hear that Joey BIT another kid..hard on the cheek and left a mark. OOPS!
He is a little devil compared to Jack.
Happiness is NOT having my hubby leave for 5 days for a sunny golf vacation in FL.
Happiness IS having my mom come down on Sat to babysit while I go scrap the entire day nearby!
Happiness is finally getting Joey's room picked up, clothes sorted through, garage sale totes full.
Happiness is NOT having a laptop maxed out on memory and no time to clean it up to post more pics...hopefully soon..right after I get caught up on this weeks American Idol!