Anybody know how to convert from a burned cd video to a DVD?
Monday, March 31, 2008
Mom & Dad's 40th anniversary video
Here is a short video I made for my parents 40th wedding anniversary party this Sat night. It should be a really fun night!
Anybody know how to convert from a burned cd video to a DVD?
Mom & Dad 40th
Anybody know how to convert from a burned cd video to a DVD?
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Things I want to remember
Isnt that the main reason mom's blog?
Jack has such an immagination lately. He makes up little stories as we drive down the road. He is either trying to figure the world out or is bored or both!
He is constantly telling longwinded explantions for what we are going to do or did do..and then at the end says "OOOO-KAY?????" (sounds more like O-hay?)
And he will end many stories with..."mee-member that mom?" (remember..)
He tends to get details mixed up or just makes things up and it is hilarious to listen to.
Today I took both boys to Olivia Wagner's new photo was a fabulous space with brick walls and wood floors. She was so patient with us and I think she got some great shots.
Then a trip to McD's because I promised Jack..he was so well behaved during the entire 2 hr appt. Olivia had some great toys he enjoyed but I was very proud of him.
Tonight John is off again to watch the NCAA tourney. He still has a few teams in it. I am glad I planned a few scrap outings next month to make up for all this single mommy time.
Tommorrow Jack and I will meet up with Ma-mma Joan at Burnsville to have lunch (yum) and get Jack some new tennis shoes. Hooray!
Friday, March 28, 2008
family time
We have a good amount of it these past 2 days.
Yesterday after Joey's appt we stopped in Eden Prairie and had an early dinner at Friday's (Jack's favorite place). It was nice to just sit back and have a good meal all together.
The dr appt went ok...I was not thrilled with the outcome but I cant complain that the dr didnt do anything. Pulmonary is tough to diagnose. It could be so many diff things. we will follow this plan for 1 month and then decide if he needs a reflux test.
I think we should do the test first and then decide if he needs medicine for his lungs.
Tonight we met Joe and Jill at the Coachlight and had a fun time..lots of basketball watching buddies were there. Joey had Karen Malm wrapped around his little finger. She can make Joey smile just like my Aunt Judy..they look alike. Joey must like the short haired blondes..taking applications for girlfriends now.. jk
Tommorrow we go to our photo shoot. He is 5 mos old today but it was too busy to take the teddy bear pics.
He has been really fussy at night this week. Crying or whining etc. He needs a bottle to help him fall asleep and then even wakes up on the transfer to the carseat.
picture time...I CAN TOUCH MY TOES MOMMA!
Joey and The Ranger.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
catching up
Time flies...when you are busy!
I drove the boys up to mom's last Thursday and then drove home at 11 pm in the blinding snowstorm that just started.
Mom said the boys were great. The best part is that my Dad helped out A LOT she said. Joey apparently loves him the most. Awesome.
Easter was good. We drove up on Sat to get the new tires on the white Denali - cha ching...then headed over to the Skuby household.
We had take out..(my favorite)for dinner and then Kathy proceeded to pack for their trip out to NY. I find it funny (not) that she packs for her husband.. and I mean EVERTHING. Right down to picking out a book for him to read on the flight...whatever.
We had a fun morning with Jack -actually I did since John slept until 10- Jack found all 6 "eggs"-actually this year the bunny put candy in Lightning Mc Queen containers and Tonka dump truck cool and boyish.
He also made a good haul in his basket..A Harry book (no roses for Harry), a mini kite, some purple bunny peeps (that Non ate most of-YUM)a bunny on a motorcycle, a chocolate Spongebob (that I just threw out tonight.he doesnt need more candy) and a Max & Ruby DVD.
The BEST part of all was I wrapped up a Rub-a-dub-dub shaving kit and let John give it to Jack. Jack LOVES to help his Dad shave..he gets to shake up the creme and then he watches naturally this gift was a HUGE hit.
I had a Dentist appt from H*ll yesterday..4 shots of novocaine, one permanent crown put in that apparently was way too big -the dentist even remarked what a "good sport" I was for sitting thru his yanking it in and out numerous times...and 2 fillings. The whole agonizing time I kept thinking about Joey smiling at me. It helped..and watching Run's house on the Tv (yes one of the reasons we go to this dentist office!)
I also promised myself some kind of treat for sucking it up and making it thru. I have always hated the dentist but I know it is important to go. yadda-yadda-yadda
Tommorow we take Joey to a pediatric pulmonologist at the U of Mn. Hoping they can figure out what is wrong..perhaps just reflux. Please let them fix it!
Tonight I took Jack to get a haircut and then to Mankato to get soccer equipment. A cool silver/green ball, shin guards, soccer shorts and he picked out 2 orange cones for pratice.
He is really good at putting one cone on each side of his head..goof ball.
Picture time now
Here's Joey and his Daddy

Here is one for Grandpa!

More pics later
nite nite
I drove the boys up to mom's last Thursday and then drove home at 11 pm in the blinding snowstorm that just started.
Mom said the boys were great. The best part is that my Dad helped out A LOT she said. Joey apparently loves him the most. Awesome.
Easter was good. We drove up on Sat to get the new tires on the white Denali - cha ching...then headed over to the Skuby household.
We had take out..(my favorite)for dinner and then Kathy proceeded to pack for their trip out to NY. I find it funny (not) that she packs for her husband.. and I mean EVERTHING. Right down to picking out a book for him to read on the flight...whatever.
We had a fun morning with Jack -actually I did since John slept until 10- Jack found all 6 "eggs"-actually this year the bunny put candy in Lightning Mc Queen containers and Tonka dump truck cool and boyish.
He also made a good haul in his basket..A Harry book (no roses for Harry), a mini kite, some purple bunny peeps (that Non ate most of-YUM)a bunny on a motorcycle, a chocolate Spongebob (that I just threw out tonight.he doesnt need more candy) and a Max & Ruby DVD.
The BEST part of all was I wrapped up a Rub-a-dub-dub shaving kit and let John give it to Jack. Jack LOVES to help his Dad shave..he gets to shake up the creme and then he watches naturally this gift was a HUGE hit.
I had a Dentist appt from H*ll yesterday..4 shots of novocaine, one permanent crown put in that apparently was way too big -the dentist even remarked what a "good sport" I was for sitting thru his yanking it in and out numerous times...and 2 fillings. The whole agonizing time I kept thinking about Joey smiling at me. It helped..and watching Run's house on the Tv (yes one of the reasons we go to this dentist office!)
I also promised myself some kind of treat for sucking it up and making it thru. I have always hated the dentist but I know it is important to go. yadda-yadda-yadda
Tommorow we take Joey to a pediatric pulmonologist at the U of Mn. Hoping they can figure out what is wrong..perhaps just reflux. Please let them fix it!
Tonight I took Jack to get a haircut and then to Mankato to get soccer equipment. A cool silver/green ball, shin guards, soccer shorts and he picked out 2 orange cones for pratice.
He is really good at putting one cone on each side of his head..goof ball.
Picture time now
Here's Joey and his Daddy
Here is one for Grandpa!
More pics later
nite nite
Friday, March 21, 2008
more snow and baby tricks
I drove the boys up to my parents house last night after work.
First we had a "fieldtrip" to Southdale Mall so I could get their pics taken with the Easter Bunny.
I was disappointed to see the bunny no longer wore his bright green vest and hot pink tie..It would have co-ordinated beautifully with the boys' green outfits.
They had him dressed in navy blue...boring!
The dumb-clucks running the camera decided to keep taking pics trying to get Joey to smile. Well they suceeded with that but didnt understand english apparently when I said I liked the 1st shot (because it was good of Jack) and after 2 pics...Jack looses interest.
Then we sat and Jack ate his sucker and I fed Joey.
Jack then proceeded to say: " Mom, I'm cold (in his short sleeve polo shirt) Let's get me a sweater.
Non: "ok! "(if my boy WANTS to go shopping (my fav activity) do you think I am going to talk him out it?)
So we went to Baby gap and Jack picked out this nice hoodie

Isnt it the brown and blue
He of course had to try it on first in the dressing room..his new thing after helping me a few times find maternity jeans.
Jack "Mom, you sit here (on the chair) while I try this on"
ok buddy!
One chair was for Mommy's and the other for Daddy's.
We did a quick swoop through the baby stuff and I ended up with more than we need...I do love Baby Gap and Gap kids.
We were on our way home when Jack announced in Macy's that he needed to why not go down to the kids section and use the "little toilets there" while I window shop on the way by.
We walk out with a super handsome 4 piece suit for Jack. Hoping he will wear it for my parents 30th anniv party and then this summer for our new cousin's baptism in NY. It came with an orange tie...that sealed the deal for
On to the latest baby tricks...Joey has mastered putting both feet in the air and grabbing on to his feet.
I LOVE This fav is when he puts his feet in his mouth..
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Congrats to my college roomate Denise on her new bundle of joy- Brock Potter
What a cutie pie!
Also congrats to this new momma..JJ..she has been waiting a long time for her little guy.
Makes me melt seeing all these new ones.
We are supposed to get a winter storm tonight..trying to figure out if Gramma can drive down in the am to watch the boys..STRESS!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Jack, Joey and I went with daycare Katie and Liz and her 3 boys and Mckenna to the St P McD's. Jack has been asking to go to their playground for months.
He decided he didnt want to play on the slides and only played with a whimpy lego table containing only 7 blocks. Amazingly it kept him occupied for quite awhile.
Then the bad part...he pooped in his pants..yes he has been potty trained for 6 months with very few accidents but this was poop accident #2 (no pun intended) in 1 week!!
I tried to not make a big deal of it. Hoping this is the last of it. I may need to invest in one of those super poratable toilet inserts from One step ahead. He wont go on public toilets....says he needs his insert. This may be coming from a fear of falling in..he did fall in last week when he forgot to put the seat down...cruel wife I am..I blamed his Daddy for not putting the seat down.;)
John is at the basketball draft...I know where he will be living for the next 2-3 weeks..with the couch permanently attached to his butt in his "man-cave" in our basement.
Hoping to take the boys to see the E bunny on Saturday at Southdale...he is my favorite picture bunny. Even if Noerr (the co running the show) is corrupt and overcharges for their photos..I still LOVE that bunny.
My mom is coming down to watch the boys on Friday...hoping to dye eggs with Jack over my lunchhour.
My mom is a is true -you dont realize how hard your parents work until you have your own kids. I am a super lucky girl..I have GREAT parents and they are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary this month:)
I need to post some current photos from our recent WI dells trip. And some cute ones I took of Joey tonight. He was wearing an outfit Jack got and he is starting to grab his feet with his hands..I need to find the pic of Jack doing the same thing in the same outfit and compare!
I love my boys and I am a lucky Non.
Thanks to the great idea from Susan ...Here is my first mommy and me pic with Joey. This was taken a few weeks ago. Watch the hands little man!
(I can't wait to get Lasik someday)

Non out!
He decided he didnt want to play on the slides and only played with a whimpy lego table containing only 7 blocks. Amazingly it kept him occupied for quite awhile.
Then the bad part...he pooped in his pants..yes he has been potty trained for 6 months with very few accidents but this was poop accident #2 (no pun intended) in 1 week!!
I tried to not make a big deal of it. Hoping this is the last of it. I may need to invest in one of those super poratable toilet inserts from One step ahead. He wont go on public toilets....says he needs his insert. This may be coming from a fear of falling in..he did fall in last week when he forgot to put the seat down...cruel wife I am..I blamed his Daddy for not putting the seat down.;)
John is at the basketball draft...I know where he will be living for the next 2-3 weeks..with the couch permanently attached to his butt in his "man-cave" in our basement.
Hoping to take the boys to see the E bunny on Saturday at Southdale...he is my favorite picture bunny. Even if Noerr (the co running the show) is corrupt and overcharges for their photos..I still LOVE that bunny.
My mom is coming down to watch the boys on Friday...hoping to dye eggs with Jack over my lunchhour.
My mom is a is true -you dont realize how hard your parents work until you have your own kids. I am a super lucky girl..I have GREAT parents and they are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary this month:)
I need to post some current photos from our recent WI dells trip. And some cute ones I took of Joey tonight. He was wearing an outfit Jack got and he is starting to grab his feet with his hands..I need to find the pic of Jack doing the same thing in the same outfit and compare!
I love my boys and I am a lucky Non.
Thanks to the great idea from Susan ...Here is my first mommy and me pic with Joey. This was taken a few weeks ago. Watch the hands little man!
(I can't wait to get Lasik someday)

Non out!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
the wearin o' the green
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The one
So I have been trying to get that one special shot of Joey..the smile. That adorable, precious smile that I have figured out how to get to come out by:
Blowing zerberts on his tummy
Blowing on his neck
and best of all..smelling his feet and telling him his feet stink..PU-PU-PU!
And once I do these things I can get this face...and tonight with John's help I was able to finally capture it on film digital card?
He was just laughing tonight when we would just look at him and say hi..what a cutie pie.
At his 4 mos check up yesterday he was 15.6 lbs and 64.5 cm
Dr. S decided to try to treat his cough/breathing troubles as reflux and prescribed him Prevacid. We will try the meds for 2 weeks and if no help..we have to see a pediatrician about steriod treatments. crossing fingers.
He loves to suck on his fingers and when laying on his back he sticks his feet straight up in the air
We leave for the Dells this Friday..Joey will stay with my parents again. It probably isnt the best place to have a baby along and will give us a chance to give Jack all the attention...but I will miss him again!!!
This is the 2nd night I have eaten my dinner at 10pm..just too much to do. With daylight savings time it stays light later..fools us that it is earlier...oh well I will take the sunlight anyday!
Finishing watching Young&the Restless on Dvr then off to bed...
Friday, March 07, 2008
Sick Again!
yes Non was sick again...Mon night..the dreaded FLU came upon me. I am back at work today (friday) but not 100% yet. I feel sick like I was pregnant with Joey. UGH.
Hoping no one else gets it! To be careful we had Joey go stay with my parents until tonight. I cannot wait to see the little guy again. I miss him and have to always be suppressing those feelings while I work and now becasue I needed to get better first for him and Jack.
Jack is happy to have his mom back. He and Dad dont always get along. hopefully will end soon.
I had to cancel the bunny photo shoot! WAA!! I rescheduled for Sat March 29th..hoping it will be fantastic and I will come away with some great shots of Joey
I played around with my new rebel yesterday..I got some good shots of Jack just being himself on the couch while we watched Caliou episodes. That is his favorite show right now..I love it because he is 4 and going through all the normal questions and experiences Jack is to. It is a slow moving but interesting shoot 'em up-Sponge Bob crap.
So the week has consisted of laying on the couch and sleeping alot. We leave for Wi Dells next weekend..I need to start packing..where are my flip flops??
Hope to post some pics of Joe is a favorite of Jack from last fall
Monday, March 03, 2008
Anderson Visit

We had a great time with the Anderson's this weekend.
Sara, Bryn (5), Kie (4) and Reese (9.5 mos) came on Friday night.
The kids played and we had supper.
Bedtime was tough for Jack. He was really acting up and crying
He wants his bedroom door shut, the Andersons want it open. He is such a bossy pants.
Kie loved Jack's car bed and slept in it both nights.Wo-hoo..glad someone is using it!
We took them to Edinborough indoor park on sat aftn. Jack was not too thrilled with it. He told me the slides were for bigger kids. They weren't but that was of course ok with me being the overly sensitive mom I am.
Then Sara bought a super cool expedit bookshelf at Ikea while I stayed in the car with the kids.
We squeezed the boxes into the truck...they ended up going right down the middle of the truck seperating the boys- it was funny.
Overall it was a great visit! She is a super mom and friend and I learn alot of good ideas from her..and she is just easy to talk to.
I wish they lived closer!
Sara, Bryn (5), Kie (4) and Reese (9.5 mos) came on Friday night.
The kids played and we had supper.
Bedtime was tough for Jack. He was really acting up and crying
He wants his bedroom door shut, the Andersons want it open. He is such a bossy pants.
Kie loved Jack's car bed and slept in it both nights.Wo-hoo..glad someone is using it!
We took them to Edinborough indoor park on sat aftn. Jack was not too thrilled with it. He told me the slides were for bigger kids. They weren't but that was of course ok with me being the overly sensitive mom I am.
Then Sara bought a super cool expedit bookshelf at Ikea while I stayed in the car with the kids.
We squeezed the boxes into the truck...they ended up going right down the middle of the truck seperating the boys- it was funny.
Overall it was a great visit! She is a super mom and friend and I learn alot of good ideas from her..and she is just easy to talk to.
I wish they lived closer!
Joey @ 4 months

a few days late but nonetheless..
What is he doing??
Loves to suck on his fingers and hands/knuckles
Will make low gurggling noises while sucking too
Wakes up around 5:30-6 am and squeals and "talks" really loud..I have to take him out into the living room in the am because otherwise he will wake up Daddy and Jack
(yes Jack is sleeping in our bed most mornings now!:( )
Still loves to get dressed. Now I always grab his feet and smell them and say -Pu-pu PU! he loves it! His eyes get all twinkly and then he smiles and sometimes a little gurgle laugh comes out too.
He will smile and laugh sometimes when I tickle his neck (under the rolls!) or if we blow zerberts on his tummy
Sits pretty well in his swing- will talk to the orange fish or the star if we attach it to the top
Also likes his bouncy seat..our chair of choice if bringing him into the bathroom with us
Now has a lime green Bumbo seat- I didnt buy one for Jack..thought they were silly. But I am glad we got one for is good for taking pics!
We just put him in the highchair this weekend. Reese Anderson was over (she is 9.5 mos) and was using it. He is actually better sitting up in it than reclined back!
His coughing is still bad..wakes him up about 3 times a night but finally he will go back to sleep and doesnt need to be fed.
Sleeps from about 8-6
Naps are different everyday!
Eating pattern is different everyday.-Katie says he will eat up to 9 oz for her at one sitting and the most we get is 6..sometimes only 4?
His favorite person in the world is Jack. He will sit in front of him in his swing and say silly made up words and songs and Joey stares and smiles and squeals at him.
I had no idea how great sibling LOVE can be.
He will LOOK for Jack if he is in the room talking but Joey can't see him.
He weighs about 14-15 lbs and his 3-6 mos sleepers are getting too short for him.
He likes it when I sing to him at night and we rock in the lazyboy in our room.
When drinking his bottle he will grab onto my fingers and squeeze while eating.
It is so precious I love it.
And I truly, madly, deeply love him
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