He decided he didnt want to play on the slides and only played with a whimpy lego table containing only 7 blocks. Amazingly it kept him occupied for quite awhile.
Then the bad part...he pooped in his pants..yes he has been potty trained for 6 months with very few accidents but this was poop accident #2 (no pun intended) in 1 week!!
I tried to not make a big deal of it. Hoping this is the last of it. I may need to invest in one of those super poratable toilet inserts from One step ahead. He wont go on public toilets....says he needs his insert. This may be coming from a fear of falling in..he did fall in last week when he forgot to put the seat down...cruel wife I am..I blamed his Daddy for not putting the seat down.;)
John is at the basketball draft...I know where he will be living for the next 2-3 weeks..with the couch permanently attached to his butt in his "man-cave" in our basement.
Hoping to take the boys to see the E bunny on Saturday at Southdale...he is my favorite picture bunny. Even if Noerr (the co running the show) is corrupt and overcharges for their photos..I still LOVE that bunny.
My mom is coming down to watch the boys on Friday...hoping to dye eggs with Jack over my lunchhour.
My mom is a saint..it is true -you dont realize how hard your parents work until you have your own kids. I am a super lucky girl..I have GREAT parents and they are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary this month:)
I need to post some current photos from our recent WI dells trip. And some cute ones I took of Joey tonight. He was wearing an outfit Jack got and he is starting to grab his feet with his hands..I need to find the pic of Jack doing the same thing in the same outfit and compare!
I love my boys and I am a lucky Non.
Thanks to the great idea from Susan ...Here is my first mommy and me pic with Joey. This was taken a few weeks ago. Watch the hands little man!
(I can't wait to get Lasik someday)

Non out!
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