Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Joey at 6 months

First tooth came in Friday 4/18/08...bottom left
Still drools like crazy..needs to wear a bib all the time..which covers up his cute shirts!
Is ticklish under his armpits..
Likes to play "This little piggy went to market"
Is overall a happy guy -only fussy when he is hungry
Gets VERY excited when you show him his bottle..he shakes and puts his hands out to grab it
Tried rice cereal for the first time 4/24..pretty messy and he was mostly interested in chewing on the spoon
Can roll over! Best at stomach to back...just gets his arm stuck on back to stomach.
Still loves his brother Jack so much..he can always make Joey smile.
Will have a toy in each hand and bang them together..then let one drop and sucks on the chosen toy.
Sitting in a highchair pretty has new toys connected to it so that fascinates him at the moment.
Doesnt like to sit on your lap for too long...enjoys walking around and looking at everything
Loves to play peek a boo
Will smile at his reflection in the mirror..esp if Mommy asks him.."Who is that Baby?"
Caught another cold and that makes him cough again but he seems improved over the previous problems (using the flovent helps)
Loves with him and he will smile and be your best buddy..likes to flirt with restaurant waitresses
Wearing 6-12 months clothes
Still eating about 5 -6oz bottles daily
If he doesnt have a toy in his mouth..his hands are there.
Loves his Daddy...he will smile when he hears his voice
Goes to bed around 8:30 and wakes for a feeding sometimes at 5 or 6 but sometimes will sleep until 7!
Likes it when mommy brushes her hair on his tummy like a "car wash"
Loves to GRAB mommy's hair and glasses in a death grip!
Likes to swing in the airplane at daycare outside

momma & me

taken by Daddy..6 months old

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

update soon

Joey turned 6 months old yesterday..I need to upload the pictures yet.
Tonight I am going to meet Molly at Archivers for a school days class. I am pretty sure Molly could teach the class and I could come up with the layouts myself but we both decided we want to have a start on the kid's school books..this will be a jump start.
And an oppotunity to see each other w/out the kids in tow.

Jack has his first night of soccer practice and I will miss it. Daddy is taking him and I HOPE it goes well...they are letting the 3.5 y olds on the team even though the min age was supposed to be 4.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

one week later-10 on Tues

1. thanks to my blog/scrapper star friend Michelle I have added the ability to leave anon leave some people! But be nice!

2. I had a very interesting weekend up north scrapping at Sugarleaf in Cross Lake, Mn.

I didnt arrive until 11pm on Friday and then woke up with pink eye (thanks to my lovely boys) and had no drops with me. I was lucky enough to visit the BMC (branierd med ctr) urgent care and get help.

I figure it was God's way of telling me I need to know where the urgent care is with 2 boys and our in-laws lake place in Cross Lake. Something is gonna happen someday.

3. We have friggin ants in our living room. We welcome spring whole-heartedly but not the bugs that go along with it. We put out the liquid poison and had a lengthy discussion with Jack about why we dont touch it, go near it etc. Crossing fingers he will keep a distance ....and that the little buggers will carry it back to the homeboys and kill the whole stinkin brood.

4. I am considering buying an external hard drive for my pictures and the A&S acct info. Then I can sleep peacefully at night..(I dont have a problem sleeping now but I am c-m-a- covering my a**)

Anybody have any recommendations? Looking at this dandy one possibly.

5. We are going to pick up the Jetta tonight and Jack and I convinced Daddy we should have dinner at my FAVORITE place too..Champps.

Love the seasoned sour cream and fries..

I used to work at one the summer before my junior yr at college- and I gained about 15lbs from it and the beer cheese soup..well maybe it was also from eating big mac value meals at 1:30 am when I finally got off work- and not carrying huge acctg books across the college campus to burn it off.

6. The Jetta was being driven by hubby to court on 169 near Jordan and as he crossed over the bride (ie-nowhere to pull off) some 'yahoo'(my families term for idiot) 3 cars ahead of him had their ladder fly off and onto the road and approaching traffic. John said later it was scary..and that is saying a lot for my big tough hubby. We needed to get the old black bart in for an oil change anyway.

7.Naturally the afforementioned Yahoo had an expired license and no insurance -3 dwi's -(you are not supposed to be able to drive Dirt Bag.)

8. Naturally we dont have collison anymore on a 10 yr old Jetta so no luck on claiming all the work that needs to be done on it.

9. Here are some of the fabulous pics Olivia took of Joey and I am considering which photo to select for a big canvas...what do you all think..which one?

10. Still trying to learn on my new xTi and decide if I should invest in Lightroom ..I just cant afford Photoshop right now! What do you all use for post processing?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

10 on tuesday

Yes I am copying this idea from everyone else in blogdom..

1) We had a good weekend. Attended a crop on Saturday at a local church. Yeah...only a 5 minute drive to crop instead of the usual 30-60 mintue one. I only got a few pages done but I was able to dust off the cobwebs on my supplies and get creative after a long hiatus.

2) Hiatus..that word reminds me of an old boyfriend. ugh..

3)Joey is sooooooo cute and snuggly Still..thank goodness- I still fear I will miss his baby stage completely -they grow way too fast.

4)Today we had Jack's last ECFE class at Ney nature center. It was so cute watching he and his little friends run around the grass looking for birds in their toilet paper roll binoculars.

Afterward we had a fun dinner at DQ with Dylan and his parents. They are so easy to hang with and talk about the boys.
Michelle is prego with #2 and I am excited to see if it is a girl or boy.

5) We talked at length about the boys starting preschool this fall. Man there is so much to figure out with kids. Which preschool to many days to go..Should they start kindy in a year or 2? I didnt want to be the "anal" mother but you almost become one when you want the best for your kids.

6) It is REALLY windy out tonight. We finally had warm weather today but wind gusts of looked like a dust bowl at work with the dirt from the nearby farm fields blowing onto the runway.

7) John and I and Jack all have bad colds. Hopefully mine will subside in time for the weekend

8) Because I am going scrapbooking AGAIN! YIPPEEEEEEEEEE! Another year at Sugarleaf with the gals from New Horizon. Man I dont miss that job at all..But it is always nice to see old friends.

9) I have not printed a single pic of Joey yet..that is soooo bad. Take stock in Shutterfly because it is going to be a massive order my friends!

10)Trying to decide wether to buy Photoshop elements or Lightroom. Hoping the mamarazzi school will come to MN or Chicago to teach me how to use my camera and post processing better!

off to bed...I will post some pics soon..uploading them now.

GAP love

I admit it..I am addicted to Baby Gap clothes..I REALLY wanted to get this one piece for Joey for the summer but they only show it in teeny sizes..rats..I swear it was never available in larger than 0-3 mos. Oh the horror! LOL

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

too fast

The days just fly by. Work is crazy busy..the 15th of April is approaching and I am so far behind on getting the co stuff done for taxes. Also behind on Anderson & S stuff..ugh.
I just read a great blog entry..a mom wrote a letter to her 11 mo old boy about all the things he is doing in anticipation for his big 1 yr bday.
Makes me feel guilty for not recording enough stuff that Joey is up to.
I need to add more pics to the blog Iknow..our ocmputer at home is slow in uploading and it takes time. I start the process and then I get distracted by the boys needing me or it is late and I know I should just go to bed.etc...

Going to scrapbook this sat..where do I begin?
better get to work..

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Busy weekend

Whew...what a busy weekend.

I survived the Doodlebops show..we almost didnt go once Jack threw his lollipop stick at me in the car...then proceeded to wail for 5 minutes yelling "I'm sorry Mommy, I sorry" . He just wanted to eat at the McD's in Jordan and I said no -trying to get us up to St Paul in rushhour traffic.
I bought him his coveted guitar..he stood for the entire concert and "played along" - I think he enjoyed this concert/show the most out of all we have seen so far.
Sat was get ready for the anniversary party day..I was able to sneak down to Mankato to get a chin fong pedicure (u pick color..). a new outfit (Kohl's is my ace in the hole always for that kind of last minute stuff) and my hair done by my wonderful stylist Allison. I just can't get that salon look at home even with my Chi flat iron!
The party was super fun. My cousin Robyn was up from IA with her handsome boy Wil (8 mos now?) There was a great mix of relatives to honor my folks and we played a super fun game of Jepordy- personalized to my parents -nicknames, Twin City Furnace (my dad's business), Polish pride and family tree. My bro made it up and I thought it was really fun...even if my team took last place:(
Today Jack actually took a nap! Yes the rivers parted and the pope was seen flying by..Jack took a 3 hr nap willingly for us. I was able to get a little work done and then took him to Dairy Queen for supper and Horton Hears a Who..we were the only ones in the theatre-cool. He could talk as loud as he wanted
I thought the movie was just ok..not really that great for kids at all I think..young ones at least.
Enough for now...nite

Saturday, April 05, 2008

cool idea

So I am already married but if we were going to do it all over again I would so have one of these babies at the reception..

Your own photobooth where guests can have goofy fun and then leave a copy of their photos for your guestbook! Sounds like a much better idea than giving everyone a dumb bag of gross Jordan almonds wrapped in tulle!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Love these..

I may need these someday for Jack...

One night I had to put his HUGE Flounder (think Nemo) stuffed animal behind the chair in his room to keep monsters out of the corner...

Behold the monster under our bed BOMB

Do u think it works on dust bunnies too?


The tooth fairy pillow...

A little creepy looking..I may be able to find a happier looking one..I have a few more yrs I think before this would get any use..

I worry about being the parent who falls asleep and forgets to have the tooth fairy visit! :(

Tommorow night I have to take Jack to the Doodlebops concert at the X. Cant say I am looking forward to it..I enjoyed the Sesame Steet show (because as a child I LOVED SS) and the Playhouse Disney was fun because I love Handy Manny ...

But the crazy scary painted face Doodlebops..not so much------->>>>>>

I bought these tickers awhile ago when I was still very much pregnant with Joey..I was worried about still spending time with Jack...(which was a silly thing to worry about I know now!)

great I have that freakin song from their show stuck in my head.."Just get on the bus.."

nite nite
