1. thanks to my blog/scrapper star friend Michelle I have added the ability to leave anon comments...so leave some people! But be nice!
2. I had a very interesting weekend up north scrapping at Sugarleaf in Cross Lake, Mn.
I didnt arrive until 11pm on Friday and then woke up with pink eye (thanks to my lovely boys) and had no drops with me. I was lucky enough to visit the BMC (branierd med ctr) urgent care and get help.
I figure it was God's way of telling me I need to know where the urgent care is with 2 boys and our in-laws lake place in Cross Lake. Something is gonna happen someday.
3. We have friggin ants in our living room. We welcome spring whole-heartedly but not the bugs that go along with it. We put out the liquid poison and had a lengthy discussion with Jack about why we dont touch it, go near it etc. Crossing fingers he will keep a distance ....and that the little buggers will carry it back to the homeboys and kill the whole stinkin brood.
4. I am considering buying an external hard drive for my pictures and the A&S acct info. Then I can sleep peacefully at night..(I dont have a problem sleeping now but I am c-m-a- covering my a**)
Anybody have any recommendations? Looking at this dandy one possibly.
5. We are going to pick up the Jetta tonight and Jack and I convinced Daddy we should have dinner at my FAVORITE place too..Champps.
Love the seasoned sour cream and fries..
I used to work at one the summer before my junior yr at college- and I gained about 15lbs from it and the beer cheese soup..well maybe it was also from eating big mac value meals at 1:30 am when I finally got off work- and not carrying huge acctg books across the college campus to burn it off.
6. The Jetta was being driven by hubby to court on 169 near Jordan and as he crossed over the bride (ie-nowhere to pull off) some 'yahoo'(my families term for idiot) 3 cars ahead of him had their ladder fly off and onto the road and approaching traffic. John said later it was scary..and that is saying a lot for my big tough hubby. We needed to get the old black bart in for an oil change anyway.
7.Naturally the afforementioned Yahoo had an expired license and no insurance -3 dwi's -(you are not supposed to be able to drive Dirt Bag.)
8. Naturally we dont have collison anymore on a 10 yr old Jetta so no luck on claiming all the work that needs to be done on it.
9. Here are some of the fabulous pics Olivia took of Joey and I am considering which photo to select for a big canvas...what do you all think..which one?

10. Still trying to learn on my new xTi and decide if I should invest in Lightroom ..I just cant afford Photoshop right now! What do you all use for post processing?
I think the 2nd one would love fantastic as a canvas.....Do it!!
I use PS CS2 and just got Lightroom....I am a bit lost when it comes to lightroom though.
Oh my gosh Joey is a living doll!
Sounds like you're all having a blast with him. It's so wonderful having an easy going happy baby.
So...how did soccer go for Big Boy???
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