It was a busy weekend but productive and fun!
Friday night my mom drove down in the rain to stay over.
My goal was to get Joey's nursery/bedroom cleaned up and ready for him to move in. He has been sleeping in our bedroom in his carseat in a basinett. The carseat was good for keeping him upright to help with the breathing/coughing troubles he had this winter.
It was "dump day" in our of my favorite days right behind xmas eve! We got rid of a bunch of junk and I was not one bit sad to see it all get crushed in the garbage year I am bringing cookies for the nice man who unloads my crap!! Now I might be able to finally get our 3 season porch looking decent!
I finally put up the wall words I ordered for the boys rooms. (Pictures to come)
Sat night my brother and his girlfriend (who I adore-Hi Jill!) came down and we all went to the Kentucky Derby party at the golf course.
Jack was in heaven cuz he rode over to the course with his Dad in the golf cart. It turned out to be a nice day afterall..they had predicted snow on sat am! YIKES! Luckily we woke up to nothing!
Sunday, Daddy played in a tourney a few hours away so I decided to be super -mom and take the the boys shopping. We went to USA baby to test drive a
Peg Perego Pilko3 in Mod verde (green!)- I wanted to see if it truly could hold both boys at way. I still love the green color but it is a bit pricey to be a 2nd stoller- I am looking for something lightweight to take on our trip to NY...and then to be my easy mall stroller.
Last night surfing I found
this one...which always has a strong reputation snack tray?Any of you have one of these? Are they really that great?
Anyways...we then went to the BIG STORE...IKEA! Jack loved playing with the toys and I love all the cool colors and good deals. I had a short list of items to accessorize Joey's room and we found them all..I managed to squeeze all of it in a cart with Jack riding in the basket part of the time..He didnt seem to mind being surrounded by rugs and blankets and picture frames.
I bought these goodies :
red shelves for booksstorage thingee??-looked cute.may go up in the toy room in the loft.
floor lamp for Joey's reading nook
round orange, red, yellow and blue-for both Joey and Jack's room
I may use
this rug in Joey's room..have to try it out first
some picture frames for our room and some poster frames for Joey's
I cant wait to get it all put together!
Once we made it through the store I promised Jack an ice cream cone at the end!
then we headed over to MOA to pick up a gift card for Grandma S. Because it was just across the hall from Barnes and Noble I really spoiled Jack and let him BUILD A BEAR!
and he picked out this
one ...the cheapest one and added the sound "I love you"
then proceeded to talk to his bear while we waited to have it stuffed.:
Jack: "Hi you want to be stuffed?"
whisper, whisper
Jack: "Mom, luv bear says he wants to be stuffed"
Mom: " ok- honey -we will do that then"
whisper whisper
Jack : "Mom, luv bear says he is glad I am taking him home because he was scared"
He didnt want any of the over priced outfits for luv bear...just the tennis racket and balls...somehow I didn't think they were really for the bear and I had visions of small tennis balls flying all over our living room..but I let him buy them anyway.
Pushover Non -that's me
I cannot tell you how cute he looked walking thru the mall clutching onto this bear-it made him go backward at least 1.5 years in my eyes. (of course no camera with me)
We then had a nice dinner out with the in laws to celebrate Mother's day early. I love the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday's-but I wouldnt recommend the paremsan shrimp dish...blah.
Tonight Non gets to sit outside the pre-school for 3 hours waiting to sign up Jack for the fall morning session. Rumor is the afternoon session is already filled up and only 20 kids will be allowed to sign up for the morning session.
I figure this is a 1st of many times I will go the extra mile to get our kids the best opportunities?!
Now if you have read this far...please leave a comment! I know somebody is reading this becasue my new blog counter is up and running!
And suggest some songs for me to add to my imeem playlist at the top!