The boys have been great. Joey is teething again we think and has another cold. We are all fighting a slight bug -I blame this crazy MN weather-cold in the am...warm in the aftn.
Last weekend I was able to finally clean the screen porch and hang Joey's swing up. Yesterday Jack pushed him in it. It was a fun family moment..and I was able to run around doing chores while Jack entertained his that!!

Also got a few flowers planted. The gas/formula/diapers cost is cutting into my flower budget so we are keeping it minimal this year. I will once again be sporting the best WEED garden in the tri-state area -come over and check it out.
Joey started on solids recently. At first he wanted to just suck and chew on the spoon but has finally mastered it I think. He figured out if he gives the spoon back..he gets more yum-yums!
It is SOOOO messy though. Forgot about that part!
A good excuse to buy more cute bibs!..or ask Ma-mma Joan to sew some more!
(note to self..ask mom to sew bibs)
This holiday weekend we are hanging out on the home front.
Sat night I am invited to attend a bachelorette party..woah..havent been to one in forever and I am thinking I will be the oldest one there! Bring on the fun old school style!
Can anyone out there suggest some good drinks for me..I am boring and usually just order Honeyweiss beer or Cap'n Morgan cokes.
I am participating in a consginment sale May30-June1 at the Eden Prairie Ice arena.
Fresh Threads Consignment is the sponsor..hoping to sell a bunch of stuff and maybe find some treasures for Jack or Joey. I have a lot of work to do for it yet.
How about that American Idol finale! I stayed up and watched the TIVO of it..dang that FOX for cutting off the ending..I had to go online to see David Cook had won! Hooray-I liked him best.
Who do you think should have won?
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